Paolo Tarolli
Full Professor in Agricultural Hydraulics at the Dipartimento Territorio e Sistemi Agro-Forestali (TESAF) of the University of Padua; member of the Governing Council of the Scuola Galileiana di Studi Superiori of the University of Padua and Coordinator of the Terza Missione Commission of the Dip. TESAF of the University of Padua. Vice President of the "1st Section - soil and water use" of the Italian Agricultural Engineering Association (AIIA). Coordinator of a research group of more than 10 young researchers and PhD students from various countries. Executive Editor of the international journal Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences and member of the editorial board of other international scientific journals. His main research interests concern the use of the latest remote sensing techniques (satellite and drone), for a better understanding, also with a modelling approach and collection of field data, of hydrological processes in the agricultural field, especially for areas affected by heroic agriculture and coastal agriculture. The latest research concerns the design of water storage reservoirs and strategies for adapting coastal agriculture to the phenomenon of rising salt wedge and drought. Co-author of more than 170 Scopus-indexed scientific articles; he is listed among the world's most cited scientists (Elsevier and Stanford University rankings). He has been an invited speaker at numerous international conferences and highly qualified foreign academies (including Princeton University, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Beijing Normal University).